Envisioning tomorrow,
— transforming today

through partnership and educational excellence

Centre of Excellence for leadership and interactive learning.

In a world characterized by rapid technological advancement and shifting geopolitical landscapes, RETHNK/TMW aspires to be a supportive guide for communities, corporates, and policymakers. We focus on the vital need for reskilling, equipping leaders and professionals with essential tools and insights for navigating and positively impacting their dynamic environments. Committed to fostering meaningful progress, we understand and address the challenges of today's transformative era.

At the heart of the RETHNK/TMW is a deep-rooted commitment to transformation and adaptability, highlighting the urgency of reskilling in today's rapidly evolving world. We focus on nurturing a blend of hard and soft skills through a clear, honest, and transparent approach to learning and leadership development. This prepares leaders to not only navigate today's complexities, but also to shape future possibilities.

Our mission is to foster both communal and corporate advancement by navigating organizations through the intricacies of modern business with continuous learning and incisive strategic thinking. We are dedicated to assisting companies in not just foreseeing but actively sculpting their futures, offering transformative value with integrity. We aim to cultivate a realm of corporate and policymaking leadership that is responsive, agile, and innovative, adept at adapting to ongoing change.

Our vision strives to align with governments' and companies' understanding of the market's current and future skills gaps. We are dedicated to addressing these gaps by providing workers with the right tools for successful career transitions and contributing to global competitiveness through a talented and prepared workforce. Our efforts are focused on ensuring that our programs and initiatives resonate with the larger objectives of fostering a skilled, adaptable, and forward-thinking workforce, which is crucial for economic growth and innovation in an increasingly digital and interconnected world.

Moreover, our vision extends to addressing emerging global challenges. By aligning with industry and policy leaders, we ensure our educational offerings are forward-thinking, equipping the workforce to innovate and lead in tomorrow's world.

“In an era of relentless change, the key to future success lies not just in what you know today, but in how rapidly you can learn and adapt tomorrow. At RETHNK/TMW, we believe in empowering leaders with the foresight and flexibility to navigate the unknown. Our commitment to reskilling for the future is about crafting visionary paths in leadership and education, ensuring that today's professionals are not just ready for tomorrow, but are actively shaping it.”

- Aric Dromi, Founder, RETHNK/TMW Centre of Excellence for leadership and future education

Our core beliefs for a changing world

Mastering technological evolution

Empowering professionals with essential skills in emerging technologies is crucial for navigating the complexities of business and governance. We focus on imparting a deep understanding of these technologies for strategic innovation and growth.

Understanding global dynamics

Enhancing knowledge for international collaboration and decision-making is key. Balancing technical insights of global commerce with vital soft skills prepares the workforce for success in an interconnected world.

Driving sustainable and ethical practices

Integrating sustainability and ethics into business operations is a priority. We champion a balance between profitability and social responsibility, fostering practices with positive societal and environmental impact.

Cultivating adaptive and innovative strategies

In a rapidly evolving business environment, adaptability and innovation are essential. Combining strategic planning with creative problem-solving, we aim to prepare professionals for leadership and innovation in dynamic settings.

Our programs

Our programs are tailored to explore global trends, economic shifts, and technological advancements, equipping leaders and professionals with both profound understanding and practical skills.

♥ We focus on merging real-world insights with progressive strategies, enhancing organizational agility and resilience. Our approach empowers leaders to not only navigate, but also lead and innovate in their fields. Believing in the power of forecasting and adapting to change, we see it as vital to future business success and innovation. We are in a state of perpetual motion, continually striving to refine, enhance, and expand our program offerings. As the landscape of industry and education evolves, so do we, adapting our curriculum to meet the unforeseen challenges of tomorrow while addressing the needs of today. In the coming months and years, we will unveil new programs designed to further bridge the gap between current knowledge and emerging global trends. Our goal is to remain at the vanguard of educational innovation, ensuring that every course, workshop, and seminar we offer contributes meaningfully to the personal and professional growth of our participants.


RETHNK/RESEARCH is an internal research and innovation hub dedicated to pioneering studies in crucial societal growth areas.

Our research mission extends beyond academic exploration; it’s about bridging theory with real-world impact. We are dedicated to conducting cutting-edge research that continually refines and enhances our educational programs. This ensures that our offerings remain at the forefront of industry and societal needs.

By immersing ourselves in the intricacies of these pivotal domains, we don't just anticipate the future; we endeavour to sculpt it, crafting innovative solutions that address both present and upcoming societal and technological challenges. Our research is a dynamic blend of foresight and action, positioning us not only as observers but as architects of tomorrow's world.

While our research primarily informs the development of our programs, RETHNK/RESEARCH serves as a vibrant hub for collaboration and external engagement. We strongly believe in the power of partnerships to amplify our impact. By collaborating with industry leaders, policymakers, and academic institutions, we gain diverse perspectives.

These collaborations ensure that our insights are practically relevant and contribute to tangible societal advancements. RETHNK/RESEARCH offers a unique value proposition for potential collaborators. We bring a profound understanding of future trends, a commitment to innovative solutions, and a network of professionals and thought leaders across various sectors.


Focused on revolutionizing educational methods and embracing technological integration, this research domain aims to craft strategies that align with the evolving societal landscape. We're pioneering innovative learning models and examining digital technologies' role in enriching education for all learners.


Our exploration into Innovation probes the dynamics of how cutting-edge developments propel societal and economic prosperity. This stream delves into startup ecosystems, the synergy of policy, society, and technology, and the pivotal role of innovation in fostering a sustainable, resilient global market.

Competitiveness and entrepreneurship

In examining Competitiveness and entrepreneurship, we evaluate factors influencing industries and economies on a global scale. Our inquiry extends beyond digital transformation to policy evolution and international trade nuances, seeking to understand and catalyse thriving entrepreneurial environments.

Next-Gen Financial Systems and Policies

Our inquiry into Next-Gen Financial Systems and Policies dissects the transformation of financial frameworks worldwide. We're dissecting the potential of new financial technologies like digital currencies and blockchain, alongside the evolution of monetary policies, to anticipate and shape the resilient financial infrastructures of the future.

Abous us

We understand that the landscape of education and leadership is evolving rapidly, driven by unprecedented technological advances and shifting global dynamics. In response to these changes, our centre was founded with a clear vision: to prepare and empower individuals and organizations to thrive in this ever-changing environment.

Our core focus is on bridging the gap between current educational methodologies and the needs of tomorrow's world. We aim to provide innovative learning experiences that are not only relevant, but also proactive in addressing future challenges. Our approach is grounded in practicality, offering programs and workshops that equip leaders, professionals, and policymakers with the tools and insights needed to navigate and positively impact their dynamic surroundings.

RETHNK/TMW is more than just an educational institution; it's a hub where new ideas are fostered, and future leaders are shaped. We are committed to creating a learning environment that encourages critical thinking, adaptability, and strategic foresight. Our curriculum is continually updated to reflect the latest trends and technologies, ensuring that our participants are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities ahead.

By aligning our goals with the evolving needs of the global market and society, we strive to make a meaningful contribution to individual growth and global progress. At RETHNK/TMW, we're not just educating for today; we're cultivating the skills and mindsets needed for a prosperous tomorrow.

Get in touch

Connect with us directly via email at info [at] rethnktmw [dot] com
We aim to respond to all inquiries promptly.

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