rethnk/tmw (от анг. "премисли утрото") e център за върхови постижения, изграждащ бъдещите лидери чрез тематични събития, образователни програми и концепции за настоящо и бъдещо стратегически ангажиране.

Нашата цел е да усъвършенстваме далновидността и стратегическата гъвкавост на лидерите за днешния сложен бизнес свят. Ние превръщаме ръководителите във визионери, готови да водят в света нановите иновации и да изградат устойчив бизнес модел.


Tailored Executive Programs
Q2-Q4 2024

Dive deep into a curated selection of workshops, keynotes, and seminars designed specifically for executive leadership challenges. Our programs blend cutting-edge research with practical applications, ensuring you'r prepared to meet the demands of a rapidly changing business world.

#Decoding & harnessing transformative trends
#The future of marketing & engagements
#Navigating the AI revolution
#Resilience in business operation in the era of AI

Ексклузивни възможности
за нетуъркинг

Join a distinguished community of peers and thought leaders at our Food for Thought executive dinners ,roundtables and strategic forums. These events provide a unique platform for exchanging insights, exploring collaborative opportunities, and forging valuable connections.

Research, insights programs
& mentorship

Q2-Q4 2024

Leverage our comprehensive research initiatives and thought leadership programs to stay ahead of industry trends and policy shifts. Our focus on future-ready skills development—from digital transformation to global market strategies—ensures your leadership remains impactful and informed.

#Strategic leadership in the Digital Age
#Future workforce readiness program
#Embracing AI and digital tools

"Our commitment to reskilling for the future is about crafting visionary paths in leadership and education, ensuring that today's professionals are not just ready for tomorrow, but are actively shaping it."

Aric Dromi, Founder, rethnk/tmw

Нашата история

rethnk/tmw was founded to help leaders better navigate the swiftly transforming landscape of market dynamics, marked by rapid technological evolution and global shifts. Our mission is clear: to ready and empower individuals and organizations for success in this dynamic context.

Focused on closing the gap between existing educational approaches and the demands of the future, we offer innovative, practical learning experiences. Our programs and workshops are designed to provide leaders, professionals, and policymakers with the knowledge and tools essential for making a positive impact in their fields.

As more than an educational institution, RETHNK/TMW serves as a crucible for new ideas and leadership development. We commit to fostering a culture of critical thinking, adaptability, and foresight, continually updating our curriculum to keep pace with emerging trends and technologies.

Our alignment with the changing needs of markets and societies underpins our efforts to contribute meaningfully to both personal development and broader societal progress. RETHNK/TMW isn't just about education for today's world; it's about shaping the skillsets and mindsets for a thriving future.

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